Code File Structure Page of the New Code File Wizard

Use the Code File Structure page to define the type of structure you want to use for the new code file.


Field Description

The Type field provides you with three options for setting up the code file structure:

  • Punctuated Significant — Selecting this option displays the Punctuation character field. Use the Punctuation character field to enter a character that Cobra will use to separate the codes of the code file that correspond to the different levels of the structure.
  • Non Significant — With non-significant codes, there is no way to tell from an inspection of the code itself which level it represents. You can define a non-significant structure up to a maximum of 20 levels.
  • Fixed Form Significant — Fixed form significant codes rely on the length of the code to represent the structure level. Selecting the Fixed Form Significant option enables the following options:
    • Pad character — Use this field to add characters to the end of the code value at each level. When you enter codes, the pad is automatically added to equal the maximum character length. The Pad character is used to pad every code to the same length. You can use any character, but only one character can be entered.
    • Maximum length — The value in this field automatically reflects the values you enter in the Number of digits per level grid.
    • Number of digits per level — This grid defines the cumulative code value length at each level of the code structure. For example, if you enter 1 character for level 1 and 2 characters for level 2, then level 2 of the code structure must always have 2 characters, and level 1 must always have 1 character.